Bee colonies have found their way onto the roof of the Bloch office building from the apiary owned by Wiesław Londzin from Zabrzeg. They are honey bees of the Carnica breed. They are characterised by gentleness, high honey yield and a low tendency to swarm (divide into successive colonies), which ensures the maintenance of strong colonies in the future.
The bees in GPP are not overly “exploited”, the breeding is not geared towards honey production, it is primarily intended to be part of the metamorphosis of the surroundings and to be one of the symbols of this green complex. Indirectly, they will also be part of a wider process of enhancing the biodiversity and ecological value of the surroundings of the complex.
The apiary project is carried out in cooperation with the University of Silesia. Its coordinator is Mirosław Nakonieczny, Ph.D., Professor of the University of Silesia. The aim of including the GPP in the project, which is led by scientists from the Chair of Animal Physiology and Ecotoxicology at the Department of Biology and Environmental Protection, is to expand the group of bee colonies subjected to detailed research focused on environmental stress.
In addition to providing advice on the launch of the apiary, representatives of the university are also supporting the process of creating green spaces within the complex with their knowledge and experience, which will create optimal conditions for development and work for the benefit of us all.